The readings for the Third Sunday of Advent - Year C may be found at:
Today we celebrate Gaudete Sunday.
The Latin word, Gaudete meaning, “to be joyful”.
We wear rose-colored vestments
to represent the joy and gladness we feel
because Salvation is coming
to light up the world.
The rose being a lighter hue than the purple of Advent
signifying the great grace that is on its way to us.
To signify that Jesus is coming.
We are joyful,
because our Savior is coming on Christmas
and through His birth,
will lift up all of humanity and save us from the power of darkness.
Something for all of us to be joyful about.
This same spirit is reflected in our readings at Holy Mass today.
Both the Prophet Zephaniah and Saint Paul, tell us
that we are to “Shout for Joy”,
“To be glad and exult with all our heart”,
to rejoice because the Lord is near.
Because the Lord is coming.
We are closer to this Christmas than we have ever been before.
We are closer to Jesus’ second coming than we have ever been before.
But the question for all of us is…
While the time of Christ’s coming is closer,
has this Advent brought us closer to Christ?
We’ve likely made great progress in preparing for the holiday.
Lists made and checked twice,
because we are closer to Christmas.
But are we closer to Christ?
And what does it mean, to be closer to Christ?
I think Saint Luke helps explain it in the Gospel
When John the Baptist emphasizes our need for repentance.
He tells us that repentance
is not just a matter of expressing regret,
but that true repentance requires us to change our behavior.
John is calling us to spiritual renewal.
When asked by the crowds, “What should we do?”
John the Baptist, moves them to action - to what they can do to prepare for the coming of Jesus.
John challenges the crowds with great enthusiasm - and he challenges us.
To live as faithful disciples.
To conform our behaviors to God’s teachings in order to build closeness to God,
because our actions speak louder than our words.
This Advent,
have we acted in ways that bring us closer to Jesus?
Have we treated people with charity and justice?
Have we been honest in our dealings with people?
Have we acted out of generosity, with integrity and with humility?
Have we shared what we have without expecting something in return?
Do we have a greater awareness of God among us?
Have we made a proper examination of conscience and had a good sacramental confession?
While God loves us regardless of the mess we are,
we can’t get really close to Him without help
and a good sacramental confession does that for us
by cleaning off the dirt and grime of sin,
Allowing us to get closer to Him.
Christmas is in a week and a half.
If we’re not closer to Christ at this point in Advent,
we’d better act fast.
Jesus’ coming is closer than it's ever been.
And much like John The Baptist,
Our job is to clear the way for Him to us through our actions.
Let us pray that we can move from generous thoughts, intentions and hearts
to concrete, unselfish acts of compassion,
both for ourselves and others
Let us pray that our faith and repentance be genuine
and move us in ways that make the love,
kindness and mercy that our God has for every living person -
visible and real for everyone we come in contact with.
And let us pray to get over whatever guilt,
shame or unbelief is
preventing us from making a good sacramental confession
while we still have time to make one
Because if we do that
Not only will Christmas be closer
Not only will the second coming of Christ be closer
but we will be closer to Christ.
And that’s everything.
And absolutely a reason for us to be joyful this Gaudete Sunday.