Friday, March 29, 2024

Good Friday - Year B


Today, we gather to recognize the most sacred day of our calendar - Good Friday. 

A distinctly solemn day where Holy Mass is not celebrated anywhere in the world.

On this day, we reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus, 

who willingly gave His life for our sins, 

so that we may have the hope of eternal life.

Today, we reflect on the immeasurable pain and suffering that Jesus endured for us,  

a reminder of the depth of God’s love.

As we consider the events of Good Friday, 

we recall the cruelty and brutality that Jesus faced. 

Mocked, beaten, tortured and killed, 

Jesus did not resist. 

He bore undeserved punishment silently, 

all the while praying for our forgiveness, 

offering Himself for us. 

Through his actions, 

Jesus teaches us the true meaning of love and sacrifice.

On this day, 

we are called to confront the reality of sin and its terrible consequences. 

Reminded of the ways we have fallen short of what God wants for us,

and of the immense need for us to repent. 

Through the cross, 

we are invited to turn away from our sins 

and follow in our Lord’s footsteps. 

Jesus showed us the way to true redemption 

and freedom from the bondage of sin, 

through love, 

death to self 

and submission of our will to the Father.

But Good Friday is not just a day of sorrow and grief. 

Today is also a day of hope and triumph. 

The death of Jesus was not the end of his story. 

Because on the third day, 

He rose again, 

conquering death. 

Through his resurrection, 

we know that love wins over hate, 

light overcomes darkness 

and life conquers death.

As we continue our solemn journey to Easter,

Let us remember the sacrifice of Jesus 

and the immense love that God has for us. 

Let us reflect and repent of our sins, striving to live lives 

that honor the sacrifice and love of Jesus. 

Knowing that because of what He endured for us,

we too have the hope of eternal life 

with Him and the Father.

We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you 

because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world