Saturday, January 18, 2025

Second Sunday of Ordinary Time - Year C

The readings for the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time - Year C may be found at:

Today, the evangelist Saint John tells us about the wedding feast at Cana, where Jesus performs the first miracle of His public ministry.

Turning water into the best wine.  

Interestingly, the wedding feast at Cana only appears in the Gospel of John, 

Theologians speculate this is because it was St. John who Jesus told from the Cross to “behold your Mother” and who took Mary into his home from that point forward.

You can imagine this miracle at the wedding feast being a joyful memory for Mary, 

and a story she likely told St. John many times.

Now, wedding feasts like the one at Cana could last for seven days straight.

And wine was an indispensable part of meals and celebrations used to create a festive atmosphere.

I suppose the role of wine hasn’t really changed much in two thousand years.

Jesus’ participation in this wedding feast is a good reminder for us that Jesus participates in the events of our life.  

He isn’t just for church on Sundays - He is for every day of the week!

And Jesus was there by invitation, He didn’t just show up, like some wedding crasher.

And that invitation put Him in the position to solve the problem, to turn that water into wine.  

The lesson for us is clear.

No invitation.  No Jesus.  

No Jesus.  No wine.

Like the wedding feast, our life doesn’t always go as planned.  

It’s good to know that when problems do come, as Mary did, we can take them to Jesus.  

Jesus understands our pain and feels our need.

Jesus is waiting for us to come to Him.

Instead of barging in, instead of being a wedding crasher, He waits patiently for our invitation.  

But, do we invite Him in?

Too often, we leave Jesus on the outside looking in.  

Now, Mary plays an important role at this wedding and in the process gives us an example of what to do when things do go wrong.

First - take it to Jesus.  

No situation, however hopeless it may seem, is beyond God's power to change.

Second - do what He tells you.

Always mindful that God's timing is perfect, even if it doesn't align with our expectations.

Trusting in God's guidance, even when the path forward isn't clear.

The lesson for us is clear.  

When problems come - and this life seems to offer a never ending supply of them - 

The best thing we can do is bring them to Jesus and listen patiently to what Jesus tells us to do.  

To go to Him.  To cast our cares on Him.  To Trust Him.  

To do what He tells us.

And if we do this, Jesus can transform ordinary aspects of our lives into something extraordinary,

just as He turned water into the best wine.  

Now, it may not be exactly how we think He should do it or when, 

but God never sleeps 

And He will move on our situation if we invite Him to do so.

Few people in the world may understand what we are going through, but Jesus does!  

To everyone else at the wedding, on the outside looking in, 

it was just wine, 

but to those closest to Jesus, to those who knew the truth, 

it was more than just wine, it was a miracle.

And what does this mean for us?

Jesus is tied to the events of our life.

If we invite Him in and are close to Him, 

by talking to Him, regularly, practically, matter-of-factly, 

through an active prayer life, 

by staying in communion with Him each day and not just on Sundays,


and by being reconciled to Him through the Sacrament of Confession.  

Jesus cares about the smallest details of our lives.

And He waits for us to call Him into our times of joy and need 

so that He can minister to us.

What is our need today?  

What is the burden we’re carrying?  

Are we having difficulty forgiving?   

Are we caught in a pattern of sin that we don’t know how to get out of?  

Are we losing hope?

Some circumstances may be out of our control, 

That is exactly why we need to bring them to Jesus and do what he tells us.  

And if we do that 

and do it consistently and thoughtfully and lovingly, 

Jesus will not only turn water into wine for us, 

He will turn it into the highest quality, 

best wine we’ve ever had, 

and He will do so in abundance.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Third Sunday of Advent - Year C

 The readings for the Third Sunday of Advent - Year C may be found at:

Today we celebrate Gaudete Sunday.  

The Latin word, Gaudete meaning, “to be joyful”.  

We wear rose-colored vestments 

to represent the joy and gladness we feel 

because Salvation is coming 

to light up the world.

The rose being a lighter hue than the purple of Advent 

signifying the great grace that is on its way to us.

To signify that Jesus is coming.

We are joyful, 

because our Savior is coming on Christmas 

and through His birth, 

will lift up all of humanity and save us from the power of darkness.

Something for all of us to be joyful about.

This same spirit is reflected in our readings at Holy Mass today.

Both the Prophet Zephaniah and Saint Paul, tell us 

that we are to “Shout for Joy”, 

To be glad and exult with all our heart”, 

to rejoice because the Lord is near.

Because the Lord is coming.

We are closer to this Christmas than we have ever been before.

We are closer to Jesus’ second coming than we have ever been before.

But the question for all of us is… 

While the time of Christ’s coming is closer, 

has this Advent brought us closer to Christ?

We’ve likely made great progress in preparing for the holiday.  

Lists made and checked twice, 

because we are closer to Christmas.

But are we closer to Christ?

And what does it mean, to be closer to Christ?

I think Saint Luke helps explain it in the Gospel

When John the Baptist emphasizes our need for repentance.

He tells us that repentance 

is not just a matter of expressing regret, 

but that true repentance requires us to change our behavior

John is calling us to spiritual renewal. 

When asked by the crowds, “What should we do?” 

John the Baptist, moves them to action - to what they can do to prepare for the coming of Jesus.

John challenges the crowds with great enthusiasm - and he challenges us.

To live as faithful disciples. 

To conform our behaviors to God’s teachings in order to build closeness to God, 

because our actions speak louder than our words.

This Advent, 

have we acted in ways that bring us closer to Jesus? 

Have we treated people with charity and justice?

Have we been honest in our dealings with people?

Have we acted out of generosity, with integrity and with humility?

Have we shared what we have without expecting something in return?  

Do we have a greater awareness of God among us?

Have we made a proper examination of conscience and had a good sacramental confession?

While God loves us regardless of the mess we are, 

we can’t get really close to Him without help 

and a good sacramental confession does that for us 

by cleaning off the dirt and grime of sin, 

Allowing us to get closer to Him.

Christmas is in a week and a half.

If we’re not closer to Christ at this point in Advent, 

we’d better act fast.

Jesus’ coming is closer than it's ever been.

And much like John The Baptist, 

Our job is to clear the way for Him to us through our actions. 

Let us pray that we can move from generous thoughts, intentions and hearts 

to concrete, unselfish acts of compassion, 

both for ourselves and others

Let us pray that our faith and repentance be genuine 

and move us in ways that make the love, 

kindness and mercy that our God has for every living person - 

visible and real for everyone we come in contact with.

And let us pray to get over whatever guilt, 

shame or unbelief is 

preventing us from making a good sacramental confession 

while we still have time to make one

Because if we do that

Not only will Christmas be closer

Not only will the second coming of Christ be closer

but we will be closer to Christ.

And that’s everything.

And absolutely a reason for us to be joyful this Gaudete Sunday.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

First Sunday of Advent - Year C


The readings for the First Sunday of Advent - Year C may be found at:

As we gather today on this First Sunday of Advent, 

we begin a new liturgical year

and we enter a season of joyful anticipation,

a season of waiting, preparation and penance.

Four Sundays when we reflect on the themes of

Hope, Peace, Joy and Love.


in our Gospel reading from the evangelist Saint Luke, 

Jesus urges us to watch and pray 

as we patiently await his coming again.

On this first Sunday of Advent,

we eagerly await Christmas,

Jesus’ birthday, the day when 

as we say at each Holy Mass in the Nicene Creed,

“He was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, 

and became man”

just a little over three weeks away.

And you’ll see changes in this Church.



Vestments of purple or rose, 

instead of the usual green 

that we see in Ordinary Time,

because this is no ordinary time.

In the next few weeks, 

we prepare to celebrate

the most important day in human history,

the moment when God,

the second person of the Trinity,

became fully human -

allowing a direct connection 

between God and us,

Enabling salvation through Jesus’ life,

death and resurrection.

Literally, the most important day in human history.

So how do we wrap our heads around something so huge?

And whether we even really prepare for it at all?

How many of us,

as we prepare for Christmas,

have thought about what really matters?

We probably have our lists prepared.

We have thought about all the plans we have,

and all the things we need to do,

all the gifts we have to buy,

all the delicious goodies we will share,

and what on earth 

we are going to get that person 

who is so difficult to buy for.

All this 

added to everything else we already have going on.

That’s a lot - 

and it we’re not careful, 

all that

can leave barely any room for Jesus.

As I reflected on this, this week,

I couldn’t help but think about Joseph and Mary,

In Bethlehem,

weary, scared, uncertain

having travelled so many hours, 

in harsh and treacherous conditions,

looking for a place to stay, 

just before Jesus was born.

Every place they went,

there was no room for them,

no place for them to stay,

no room at the inn.

As I thought about Advent 

and what I wanted you to take away from this homily,

It was this.

This Advent,

Yes, it’s a busy time.

Yes, there’s a lot to do.

Yes, by the end you will likely also be weary and uncertain,

In fact, you may be that way just thinking about it!

But let us not forget one important thing.

Each one of us is an innkeeper 

who decides if there is room for Jesus.

We decide if there is room for Him in this busy time.

We decide whether to let Him in and

We decide whether to send Him on His way.

It’s a busy time of year 

With lots of Christmas preparation activities vying for our time.

We should absolutely do all those things 

that make Christmas a joyful time of year 

for us and our families,

I mean, we are celebrating the most important day in human history after all.

But let us not forget, 

through all our activities and busyiness,

to make room for Jesus in our hearts.

Reserve a few minutes each day for prayer and reflection.

Make it a point to reach out in charity to those in need.

Join us each Wednesday from 3pm - 7pm for Adoration, 

Evening Prayer, 

Sacred silence and Benediction with Jesus 

Fully present in the Eucharist.

Participate in our Catholic Bible Study with the Chosen,

Wednesday December 4th and 11th at 6:30pm,

when we will focus on the Infancy Narratives 

in the gospels of Saints Matthew and Luke,

Take time to do a proper examination of conscience 

and to make a good sacramental confession.

If the hours of confession are not convenient for you 

and if you don’t know what to get your priest for a Christmas gift, 

You can combine the two.

They would both be thrilled with a size 

“Father, can you please hear my confession?”

It’ll be the best gift they and you receive this Christmas, 

believe me.

As we light the first candle of our Advent wreath, 

let it symbolize our commitment 

to make room for Christ. 

May it give us the grace 

to be vigilant innkeepers

always ready to welcome Jesus into our lives.

And may this Advent be a time of joyful preparation, 

as we eagerly await the coming of our Lord.